Monday, April 6, 2009

First Showcase about to drop!

Alright folks, it looks like my first Sleepwalker Showcase is about to drop soon! Again, this blog is about positive people going after their dreams. It's about being inspired to not give up, and to keep chasing and living whatever dream you have in your heart. I hope to do one showcase every two weeks,(twice a month)and in between I'll keep you informed on what I'm doing to accomplish my dreams, interesting thoughts, and nuggets of wisdom/information you shouldn't sleep on!

This is a collaborative blog, so please leave follow up nuggets or positive comments for the showcased Sleepwalkers. As time moves on, feel free to give me suggestions on people or topics to cover. Thanks for reading, and keep living your dream!


1 comment:

  1. Great blog! You should also join twitter! Great way to get exposure!

    Your sis,
