Alright. It may be because I’m a southern boy, it may be because I was raised this way, but where are people’s manners today? This will be short and sweet. I’ll speak on an isolated incident/gripe but obviously there are more examples of selfish mindsets in society these days. Here in DC it kills me to see so many men riding the train and not getting up for ladies/children/elderly people. Day after day as I ride the Metro I see it happen time and time again, men sitting while women are getting tossed back and forth on the train. I’ve seen occasions where guys have asked and women have said “no thanks”, but they are few and far between. Now I understand that these are “modern times” and men don’t slay dragons or put their coats over puddles anymore (I doubt they ever did) but come on. Have we grown that cold as men that we can’t give our seat up like our mothers taught us? All I’m saying is if you don’t have some health problems, and it hasn’t been one of those days where you’re about to loose it...get up.
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