Alright, so I owe you guys a new blog entry. I mean it’s been since August! Four whole months! What have I been doing? A lot actually. Let’s start at the beginning.
I had surgery in mid August that had me down for a while. (Yes, even more a reason to blog but not when you can’t walk to the computer). Doing better since then, thanks for asking! lol. Then after that has been the mixture of graduate school, and work. Going out of town almost every other weekend, and having other projects to do. Enough excuses. I’m back and I’m going to be consistent again.

Although I haven’t kept things going, you can rest assured that I’ve been working hard in the mean time! On October 16-17 I shot my first short film independent of grad school. It was awesome. I had a great crew and cast. Everything came out well, and even the few mistakes have been a great learning experience. The film is entitled “Who is Chelsey Hood?” It’s a murder mystery involving two roommates and the hunt to find the answer to that question. I’ve put a couple of photos up on the blog, and I’ll release the trailer in an upcoming entry! Thanks for your continued support, and I’ll get my act together and keep bringing you stories of people following their dreams!
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