It’s been a long time. I shouldn’t have left you…without a dope blog to bless you! LOL. That was lame, but oh well. I know it’s been a while since my last blog. I’ve been productive though. I started working for the summer at an awesome international non-profit as their video intern! It feels good to get paid for what I love to do, and there are a lot of good people over there.
In the meantime I have been working on scripts…filming the Prince of Cambodia, collabing on a nationwide documentary…you know, small stuff. LOL j/k. I’ve been blessed. Enough about me. Let’s get back to business. Since we are about to turn into the summer months the question has been on my mind: What am I going to accomplish this summer?
I’m hitting that quarter life …not even a crisis…but realization. I’m realizing that life has ups and downs, but you really can steer it where you want to go, or ride in the back to where ever it takes you. So this summer I have made plans to finish at least three scripts and another side project (to remain nameless until the proper time). I’ve got my ducks in a row for the fall and spring semesters as well. Plan and execute. What have you got planned? What are you executing? Start thinking about it if you haven’t already. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and telling you how I’m coming along with my plans.
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